
  1. A quick hello
  2. Climate change alters the English language
  3. They kill environment journalists, don’t they?
  4. Borneo’s Husband-and-Wife Mountain Gods Look Down on Illegal Logging
  5. The Song of the Dodo gets my vote
  6. World’s most notorious wildlife smuggler caught in the act
  7. Environmental or spiritual pollution – which is easiest to fix?
  8. A challenge: To anyone who ever used the phrase “tree-hugger”
  9. The best blogs on biodiversity?
  10. Five vacant niches in the ecosystem of the biodiversity blogosphere
  11. What gorillas can teach children about being human
  12. The curious case of the BBC and climate change
  13. Is it time to kill off ‘biodiversity’?
  14. One act of stupidity and 5500 acts of reason
  15. Malaysia’s million dollar question — where did the logs come from?
  16. If we keep on biting the hand that feeds us, it will slap us in the face
  17. When maps lie (Africa gets short-changed again)
  18. Postcard from Japan: bamboo poetry in Kyoto
  19. The Nazi threat and climate-change denial
  20. Thank God for Fox News…
  21. One great way to visualise climate change
  22. More climate change but is it the right climate change?
  23. The dark history and uncertain future of edible pink gold
  24. You’ve got to be in it to win it
  25. Ask not what you can do for nature… Ask what nature can do for you
  26. 25 tips for climate change journalists
  27. Postcard from Qatar: A rainbow of rabbits and soft fluffy chicks
  28. One Year Under the Banyan
  29. “We use arrows to kill outsiders who threaten us” — Really?
  30. Climate change needs a Gandhi not a Gore
  31. Mapping the moral high ground amid rising seas and sarcasm
  32. Blacklisted by Canada… for drawing climate-change cartoons?
  33. How to talk to the media… How not to talk to the media
  34. Q: When is a forest not a forest? A: When no-one knows
  35. One less star in Africa tonight
  36. Please Queen, can Mr Cameron come out to play?
  37. What does your government tell you about climate change?
  38. Postcard from Durban: Greener football and tree-preneurs
  39. Time for faith in our environment
  40. Postcard from Jersey: Red sky at night
  41. Tweet-by-tweet: COP17 Climate Communications Day
  42. Game reveals complex links between poverty and threats to apes
  43. Millions of long lost logs and a single special tree
  44. Golden green grunge for rare red orangutans
  45. Borneo’s eco-stranded apes with nowhere to call home
  46. The near empty forest that proves conservation is failing
  47. Rafts of rubber and a hotel for birds with spit that sells
  48. A rare encounter between man and beast
  49. The humbling history of the tiny wasps that upset a Jurassic Park narrative
  50. A cautionary tale: Kony 2012 – The backlash
  51. Guardian ‘international development journalism’ contest excludes journalists from developing nations — again
  52. What trees tell us when we stand close and listen
  53. Postcard from Hanoi: A city of a thousand fig trees
  54. A tale of typhoons, trees and tiny creatures that stood between a community and climate resilience
  55. Where honey means money and climate means change
  56. Lost in a forest in search of a golden vale and black magic
  57. Journalists are dying to tell stories of environmental plunder
  58. What’s in a narrative? In policy, everything or nothing
  59. Why following the herd can be good for journalists
  60. An obituary for long-dead elephants
  61. Postcard from London: Autumn leaves as autumn arrives
  62. Southern Beasts: a story to spark climate conversations
  63. Will Obama let the climate do all the talking?
  64. Postcard from Jersey: Why a child played on ancient graves
  65. Climate change communication: ‘A’ is for audience
  66. Missing women might explain failure of UN climate change talks
  67. A big thank-you to readers from 165 countries
  68. Why blog? Ten things I learned about blogging this year
  69. The mystery bird that called for a dictionary of vanishing voices
  70. An unexpected encounter with a little devil
  71. Confession: I ate shark fin soup
  72. A job for conservation’s keystone cops
  73. Who eats figs? Everybody
  74. Mali’s giant trees and fortune-telling foxes
  75. Q&A with Paul Glynn, author of King Bruno
  76. King Bruno: A chimpanzee’s tale of tragedy and hope
  77. Time to join the dots on environmental murders
  78. In under three minutes, a year in a forest
  79. Kill off the animals and you change the forest — fast
  80. A bit naughty? Secret filming exposes murky world of rainforest politics
  81. If we cook these tiny wasps, we put the heat on hundreds of other species
  82. Can anyone identify the two birds in these paintings?
  83. Unhappy endlings: What tales of the last days of extinct and dying species can bring to our own story
  84. A changing climate demands change in narratives
  85. Climate change: Teens teach where others don’t reach
  86. Pastoralists in the Media: Three ‘E’s please
  87. After a baby and a book Under the Banyan is back
  88. It will take hundreds of Al Gores or millions of ‘little people’ to overcome the political inertia on climate change
  89. In Zambia: A moonbow, an elephant and a strange toilet
  90. Frying eggs, flying foxes, dying wasps, crying shame
  91. Dying to save the world
  92. The empty forest where 100+ bird species are feared extinct
  93. Announcing my book: Ladders to Heaven
  94. A thousand murders, a thousand stories to tell
  95. Snakes and ladders and tantalising figs
  96. Going dotty about fig trees: Ancient and imagined images of the world’s most fascinating trees
  97. A fig tree swallowing a warehouse
  98. Chapter-by-chapter preview of my book Ladders to Heaven
  99. How fig trees shaped our history, fed our imaginations and can enrich our future
  100. One book. Two titles. Coming soon. Get them while they’re hot.
  101. True or false? Figs contain dead wasps
  102. 10 things you need to know about banyan trees
  103. The majesty and mystery of India’s sacred banyan trees
  104. My Father in his Suitcase: In Search of E.J.H. Corner the Relentless Botanist
  105. The orangutan, the strangler fig and the photographer — a story of entwined lives
  106. ‘I didn’t choose figs — They seduced me’
  107. Why are so many strangler figs home to ghosts and goblins?
  108. A great month for a book about fig trees
  109. Can living fig-tree bridges save lives in a changing climate?
  110. Magical trees, living bridges and a human butterfly
  111. Radio interview: How fig trees shaped our world, changed history and can enrich our future
  112. The magic of tropical forests and the fig trees that live in them
  113. Amazing photo of Buddha’s head engulfed by strangler fig roots
  114. Fresh evidence of the power of fig trees to sustain wildlife and restore lost forests
  115. Where falling fig trees portend political change
  116. The stranglers that save lives when cyclones strike
  117. Can eulogies for lost species help prevent future extinctions?
  118. Why one fig tree in the middle of nowhere has a 24-hour armed guard
  119. See what it’s like when a strangler fig explodes with life
  120. The daredevil, the vanishing green sphinx and the plant that found a friend
  121. How 24 bodies transformed to tell one of nature’s most amazing stories
  122. Life and death and the jaguars of the mind
  123. Will the bird that dodged a bullet pay the price of peace?
  124. Become an eye in the sky to help scientists count orangutans
  125. Awe may be a forest’s least known gift
  126. Feast your eyes on the forest’s green dreamscape
  127. When happened when Christian missionaries met Kenya’s sacred fig trees
  128. The trees of life that became agents of death
  129. Two artists with fresh takes on the world’s coolest plants
  130. Religion + fig trees = a boost for biodiversity
  131. Infographic: 5 ways fig trees are titans of biodiversity
  132. Scientists reveal yet another reason fig trees are titans of biodiversity
  133. Sit down, chase some coral, then get up and act
  134. Brilliant birds and the mystery of the mutating mangroves
  135. Guns, gangs and gold: A brewing social and environmental crisis in Venezuela
  136. The nearly magical properties of fig trees
  137. ‘Evidence failure’ blights fight against illegal wildlife trade
  138. Cocaine of the sea, ‘epic failure’ and how following the money can limit illegal wildlife trade
  139. How poop could counter calls to resume commercial whaling
  140. This ancient biomaterial making a 21st-century comeback could change millions of lives
  141. Human wellbeing threatened by ‘unprecedented’ rate of biodiversity loss
  142. 20 things you can do right now to join the climate fight
  143. Wanted: Climate Heroes. No experience required
  144. Expert insights into the past progress and vital future of environment journalism
  145. Palm oil: The pros and cons of a controversial commodity
  146. Can fig trees regrow lost rainforests?
  147. Demand for meat is driving jaguars towards extinction
  148. The coronavirus backlash against bats is a bad idea
  149. How to stop your pension fund from fuelling climate change and deforestation
  150. Scientists warn of rising denial of extinction and biodiversity loss
  151. A prescription for our sick planet
  152. From a fig tree of antiquity to hundreds of interconnected artworks created in a pandemic
  153. New recipe needed to make food systems better for people and planet
  154. Will 30×30 reboot conservation or entrench old problems?
  155. Meat still missing from national climate change commitments
  156. Explainer: COP15, the biggest biodiversity conference in a decade
  157. Conservation narratives about protected areas and local people are not telling the whole story
  158. Remembering Saleemul Huq (1952-2023)
  159. Why 263 bird species are going to get new English names
  160. Biden gives China ultimatum over pangolin trade

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